natasha 21st May 2009

Another year bro another day in which we will all be brought together in greif in the memory of a man who was my beautiful bro, my protecter, my mad as a hatter drinking buddy and my 1 true friend. I can never express how much i miss you and how much this pain hurts but i know your there beside me everyday helping me through and when you love someone you are never apart from them. I will think of you today like every other day and miss you like crazy but also thank god for blessing me with such an amazing brother even if it was only for a breif time and we will all remeber all the crazy and stupid and funny stuff you did and raise our glasses and toast to a man who made such a big impact on all our lives (dont worry we will give you a drink). Until we meet again bro. HAPPY BIRTHDAY. I LOVE YOU, GOODNIGHT AND GOD BLESS. XXXXXXXXXXX